This holiday season has been a challenge for me. Because of its ups and downs, I have incorporated into my daily routine a moment to stop and give thanks in all things. I am here to tell you, of all challenges a woman of faith faces in a day, giving thanks in all things is simply not easy. Looking adversity straight in the eye is not comfortable. And thanking God for it? Well, what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger!
Today has been a very tough day for me. The last final days of preparing for Christmas have been hard because I am missing some of those who are most dear to me. So, procrastination has set in. I have created lots to do – all that has absolutely nothing to do with my very long to-do list.
But that is okay, because my feeling of being a bit blue has led me to a distraction, which has led me to a wonderful opportunity to give thanks in all things.
While cleaning the office, when I really should be cleaning the bathroom, I found an old column of mine – my very first published column – ever! A former editor, Steve Stein, took a chance on me, and on Christmas Eve, 1998, I was published.
The memory of the excitement of seeing my byline, combined with the words I wrote 14 years ago, gives me the opportunity to thank him and so many others who have helped me along the way. I can never thank my former editors and writing colleagues enough.
“Sugar Buzz” was written when my oldest was 13 and my baby was one. This column reflects what Christmas used to be like in our home, 14 years ago. Of course, I miss those days of Christmas past, and in giving thanks in all things, I look forward to the memories of Christmas present and future.
I hope you enjoy this column! God bless you and your families as you create special moments together.
“Sugar Buzz,” written by Lynne Cobb and published in The Mirror Newspapers, December 24, 1998:
I know I read somewhere that sugar does not affect children’s behavior. Well, this experienced mother can truly dispute that statement! Any parent who has ever hosted a child’s party or helped out during classroom parties can attest to this fact as well.
But who am I to complain? Growing up, there was always “something sweet” with coffee after dinner. This tradition has carried over to my household as well as those of my siblings. I have a panic attack if we have surprise visitors and there is nothing sweet in the house.
Now, as parents, my husband and I try to keep our children’s sugar ingestion to a minimum. (I said try!) All four of them were born with a sweet tooth. Dessert is part of the food pyramid, right? And Christmas is coming, which means – more sugar and goodies.
I honor of all the parents who will try to talk their children into vegetable sticks in lieu of candy and cookies, I lift my cup of cocoa to you. And here’s a tune I penned to “Silver Bells” to get you in the mood:
Sugar Buzz
Sugar buzz, sugar buzz,
It’s Christmas time in my kitchen.
Butter rings, fudge and things,
Soon kids will be spazzing out.
City children, country children,
With their hands gooey-gross,
Keep eating the cookies and junk food.
See them laughing, see them jumping,
See them bouncing around.
And they just keep on chowing junk down!
Sugar buzz, sugar buzz,
It’s Christmas time in my kitchen.
Angel wings, sugary things
Soon kids will be spazzing out.
Grandma’s baking, candies making,
See the kids beg for more.
Mom and Dad roll their eyes – plead for mercy.
Hyper children, sticky clothing,
Today’s the year’s longest day…
And tomorrow we’ll start this again!
Sugar buzz, sugar buzz,
It’s Christmas time in my kitchen.
Red food coloring, fined everything
These kids just can’t simmer down!
Merry Christmas!
© Lynne Cobb – 2012
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