Merry Christmas Eve Eve – the longest day of the year – especially if you are a parent!
It’s December 23, and if you are a parent, today is – without a doubt – the longest day of the year. I remember my brood of four bouncing off the walls on “Christmas Eve Eve.” Every. Single. Year.
I’d try my best to keep them occupied by decorating cookies or have them cleaning their rooms… yes, they had to make room for the anticipated new gifts. Whatever works! Or, if the weather was good, I’d send them outside to wear themselves out playing in the snow.
One year, while they were all still little, I penned my own lyrics to a popular Christmas tune. Therapy, I guess. I shared it with my husband, and then I took a chance on submitting it to our local paper. What a wonderful kick-off to my writing career, as the editor published my article on Christmas Eve.
Because today to is what we fondly call Christmas Eve Eve – the the longest day of the year, I thought I’d share this again.
Merry Christmas Eve Eve - the longest day of the year - especially if you are a parent! Share on XFrom our sugar-coated house to yours, we wish you a very Merry Christmas. May God bless you and yours.
“Sugar Buzz,” written by Lynne Cobb and published in The Mirror Newspapers, December 24, 1998:
I know I read somewhere that sugar does not affect children’s behavior. Well, this experienced mother can truly dispute that statement! Any parent who has ever hosted a child’s party or helped out during classroom parties can attest to this fact as well.
But who am I to complain? Growing up, there was always “something sweet” with coffee after dinner. This tradition has carried over to my household as well as those of my siblings. I have a panic attack if we have surprise visitors and there is nothing sweet in the house.
Now, as parents, my husband and I try to keep our children’s sugar ingestion to a minimum. (I said try!) All four of them were born with a sweet tooth. Dessert is part of the food pyramid, right? And Christmas is coming, which means – more sugar and goodies.
I honor of all the parents who will try to talk their children into vegetable sticks in lieu of candy and cookies, I lift my cup of cocoa to you. And here’s a tune I penned to “Silver Bells” to get you in the mood:
Sugar Buzz
Sugar buzz, sugar buzz; It’s Christmas time in my kitchen.
Butter rings, fudge and things; Soon kids will be spazzing out.
City children, country children; With their hands gooey-gross;
Keep eating the cookies and junk food.
See them laughing, see them jumping; See them bouncing around.
And they just keep on chowing junk down!
Sugar buzz, sugar buzz; It’s Christmas time in my kitchen.
Angel wings, sugary things; Soon kids will be spazzing out.
Grandma’s baking, candies making; See the kids beg for more.
Mom and Dad roll their eyes – plead for mercy.
Hyper children, sticky clothing; Today’s the year’s longest day…
And tomorrow we’ll start this again!
Sugar buzz, sugar buzz; It’s Christmas time in my kitchen.
Red food coloring, re-fined everything!
These kids just can’t simmer down!
Merry Christmas!
© Lynne Cobb – 2016
Hi Lynne. Thanks for posting this very timely (and oh so true) story. Your revised lyrics are great. From our family to you, Wishing you and your entire family a very Merry Christmas and a joyous Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Bob! Enjoy the sugar fest!
Loved your lyrics..Wish you a very happy and prosperous new year!!
Thank you!