Love, Loss and Learning what’s in a name

Love and Loss

There are so many story ideas I have written down during my journey of healing. My last post shared where I’ve been, which was recovering from a fractured femur and the surgery needed to repair it. I am so far behind in writing.

I also noticed that a lot of my grief writing has been sad. Because, well, that’s grief. I have been trying to make some meaning out of the grief.

One of the goals I am working towards now is incorporating what I have learned on my healing journey, recovering from grief and trauma, be it physical, emotional or spiritual. I have been attending workshops in an effort to combine all of my talents as well as my knowledge. I’m passionate towards helping others navigate the deep, dark waters of grief.

That said, one of the numerous things I have learned in my coursework is that grief and joy can happen simultaneously.

That is what I would like to share with you today.

Many of you read my blogs about the passing of my precious dogs, Jack and Remington. I followed those up with the blessing of adopting Sadie, about a week after losing Remi. His death was such a profound shock. He had just turned three years-old before he crossed the Rainbow Bridge. It was a true gut-punch, because his death happened just a few months after losing my granddaughter, Sarah, who was only 12 years-old.

I remember shaking my fists and cursing out God as to “why?” How could he take both of them? Remi got me out of bed and moving every day, especially after losing Sarah.

The balm for our broken hearts was Sadie.

I remember my therapist, stunned after hearing about Remi’s loss, asking me what one word described him. I immediately said, “joy.” I reflected on Jack, and thought, “protector.”

As I look at Sadie, I immediately think “nurture.”

At the time of adopting Sadie, I always thought that Sarah and Remi had some divine intervention in bringing her to us.

At the time of adopting Sadie, I always thought that Sarah and Remi had some divine intervention in bringing her to us. #Grief #Healing #AngelBumps #Dogs Share on X

Upon more reflection, I remembered that when we adopted Jack, his name was originally “Jojo.” Remington was named “Curly.” Originally, we had been drawn to his litter of puppies, because his brothers were named Larry and Moe. My dad was known as “Larry.” So, Remi’s adoption seemed to be divine intervention.

Like Sadie’s.

Only with Sadie, we kept her original name. Part of it was the history of women named Sadie in the family. Part of it was because the name just fit her.

One day, I Googled the meaning of name Sadie.

Love and Loss

To say I was stunned is an understatement.

“Sadie originates in Hebrew language and means “princess, lady-like.” It is a diminutive of the name Sarah...”  (Source: Belly Ballot)

Tears welled up in my eyes, as I looked at this precious dog with even more love than I can possibly describe. Intuitively, I knew that Sarah had her angel hand in this. From that horrific grief came not only a loving companion, but a message of love and, “I’m still here, Mema,” from Sarah.

Love Loss

Many people would call this an “angel bump.” I would, too. And, I have had many angel bumps with my loved ones who are no longer residing on Earth. And while I would give anything to have them in the physical world, I absolutely feel so much love and comfort when they pop in from their “new space” and say, “I am here.”

Much love,

Love and Loss




angelsIf you love hearing stories about angel bumps, check out this just released anthology, “Heartstrings from Heaven.” I have an essay published in this anthology. I am honored to be among so many writers that author Anne Bardsley chose to include in her Angel Bump series. Click my author page to order  your copy today!


4 Replies to “Love, Loss and Learning what’s in a name”

  1. Hi Lynne,
    This is such a moving story. Thank you for posting. I needed an uplifting post to overshadow a difficult diagnosis I just received. Thanks again and let those “angel bumps” keep coming.

  2. Lynne, It’s so sad that you lost Remi after such a short time, but such a blessing that you found Sadie shortly afterwards. She was a Godsend. I do believe in “angel bumps” and I have to say I never heard that term before until now! We used to call them “signs” but angel bumps describes it better! I only wish there would be more of them.
    I really enjoyed reading this touching story about your precious pups.

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