Love, Loss and Leaning into Letting Go

Love, Loss and Leaning into Letting Go


“Holiday host etiquette: If you’re inviting someone to your home and they’re grieving, be sure you’re inviting their grief to attend, too. It will be there, anyway.” Sarah Nannen

Last week, one of my nieces shared a post by Sarah Nannen, author of Grief Unveiled. Her post on grief and the holidays really resonated with me and touched my heart.

There are so many expectations around the holidays, and to be honest, I started to think there was something wrong with me.

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On friendship and letting go


For the past few days, I have purposely limited the time I have spent on social media. My boycott started out innocently enough – it was a beautiful day to be outside, planting flowers and pulling weeds. Good for the body, mind and soul.

A day to appreciate all of God’s creation – well, except for the spiders I encountered while weeding.

When I heard about the tragedy in Orlando, I jumped back online to see what had happened; what the latest updates were. Saddened and horrified, I felt sick to my stomach, just as I did on September 11, 2001.

Continue reading “On friendship and letting go”

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