Boomer Products – Let’s Shop!

“I always say shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist.” – Tammy Faye Bakker

When I was contacted by Tonya from, I was excited to learn that there is an online shop with Boomer Products – just for us baby boomers. After “window shopping” the site, I decided I would take Tonya up on the offer to share my opinion of this store with my readers, and was compensated with a gift card.

BoomShop-Products-SM  772x431According TheBoomShop‘s press release, Boomers are the largest demographic for online shopping. It makes sense to me, as we’re a pretty busy bunch, with careers, caring for family – both younger and older loved ones, running households and more. Plus, we have grown wiser, and value our time, and can search and shop online faster than running to the mall. And, some of us have knee issues, which makes online shopping even more appealing 🙂

Anyhow, once on the web site, I was greeted by a clean design and easy-to-navigate departments. Welcoming me to the website was this quote: “Our quest is to search the world & create a collection of products that make your life simple, effortless & comfortable.” A non-cluttered site, in my opinion, is a great start.

The online store caters to the 50+ crowd. What I was most impressed with were the kitchen items – everything from gadgets to small appliances to cookbooks to accessories. In the Home department, I saw wellness mats. If you have ever stood in one place for a long time, think of how lovely it would be to have one of those cushion-y, anti-fatigue mats! Plus, there were several other departments, such as Health and Wellness, Fitness and Recreation, Sleep Science and several more. Look for a Nutrition Department soon. And yes, there is a sale section, too.

Several name brand items are available, and I found that the prices were inline with other stores – online and brick and mortar. TheBoomShop has a “no hassles” return policy, which makes online shoppers happy, and free shipping on orders $49 or more.  Also, the check out process is very simple! Basically create an account, shop-til-you-drop, add your credit card info and you are done.

Check out TheBoomShop, as they are giving my readers a 15% discount by using coupon code 99124. (Valid until June 21, 2014). My order should be arriving in a few days! I am sure you will enjoy this new online store geared for boomers.

Happy shopping!

© Lynne Cobb – 2014

Did you checkout TheBoomShop? If so, let me know what you think in the comments section.


4 Replies to “Boomer Products – Let’s Shop!”

  1. Thank you for the lead, Lynne. I just did a quick visit to the website and liked what I saw. I plan on a more in-depth “shopping trip” to Boomer Products in the next week or so. It’s nice to see something aimed at us “Boomers”.

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