Between the Lines: Blogging over 50


A few months ago, I responded to a request from Katherine at,  as she was looking for women bloggers over 50 to share their experiences, such as what inspired them to start a blog, what keeps them motivated and so forth. With her expertise and hard work, she is giving more than 80 bloggers the opportunity to expand their horizons and reach more people.

So, I threw my hat in the ring, was accepted to be part of this series, and now you will hear a little more about me. My blogging journey started out as an outlet during my dad’s battle with Alzheimer’s Disease, and then took a more “random” turn after he passed away.  A few years before he died, the newspaper industry was slowly beginning to fade. As a displaced writer, I was learning to wade into the digital world from the print media realm. One of my favorite writing gigs was a weekly column in our local paper. As I became more comfortable with blogging, my blog began to develop into its own character, and began to look similar to my old columns: a bit of family fodder, some opinion, an occasional recipe and my favorite – conversations with my readers. When I started writing sponsored posts and product/book reviews, I became more interested in the “how-tos” and migrated my work over to a self-hosted blog. I learned a lot and trust me, there is more to learn – like the value in posting on a regular basis, which is something I really need to do!

One of the most rewarding benefits to midlife blogging is meeting wonderful “Boomer Bloggers.” A few I have met, and there are many more I look forward to meeting “IRL.” What impresses me with the north of 50 crowd is the willingness to share our collective knowledge and expertise among each other and the new bloggers arriving into cyberspace.

Some professionals in the blogging world suggest carving a niche, and being an expert in a field. I agree, but I still defer back to my old columnist days and prefer to write about whatever topic moves me. So if you are hopping through my posts, you are going to see a little bit of everything that interests me. It may not be what I should be doing, but it is what I like to do, so maybe my little niche is, “Midlife Lifestyle Blogger.” Because I am an almost empty-nester, my husband and I have been able to travel a bit more, so you’ll read about our trips. We’re attempting to be healthier and greener, so you’ll find recipes from homemade bread to toothpaste. Plus, I have been dabbling in some humor writing to balance some of the more serious opinions and life-changes of moving forward after raising four little ones. One of my menopause posts was chosen to be part of the anthology, Feisty after 45 – The Best Blogs from Midlife Women.

In addition to cruising through my site, I do hope you click on the link below and check out some of the other writers and their work. And if you have ever wanted to give blogging a try, I encourage you to do so! It is a great way to record family history, share opinions or hobbies and meet others.

If you have any questions, there is a “North of 50 Blogger” right here (me!) who is happy to help! A list of how to contact me is on my “Contact” page.

Happy reading – and, hopefully, writing!

28 Replies to “Between the Lines: Blogging over 50”

  1. I think that when we’re over 50 our myriad of life experiences prevents us from pigeon-holing our interests. Blessings!

  2. I’m here due to Between the Lines [Anyone else almost write the title of the old PBS show, “Between the LIONS?”]. Congratulations on reinventing your writing career! I’m off to read the change of life post!

  3. Oh how wonderful to learn about the Between the Line series! Love that you’ve joined them. I look forward to reading future posts. Life after 50 is indeed splendid.

  4. Hi Lynne! I found you through the Between The Line blog series. I love being in my 50’s. You see life from a different angle and life seems centering and full of possibilities. I look forward to meeting you.

  5. A very nice summary of your journey in writing. It is so inspiring that it reminds me that I need to kick-start myself and get back to writing again. Thank you so much for posting this beautiful article, Lynne.

  6. I am glad to have found you and look forward to learning more about you through this new (to me) adventure. 🙂

  7. Enjoyed your post and look forward to more. I’m an over 50 lifestyle blogger and just write about the things I want to write about!

  8. Hi Lynne! Great to meet you as a fellow Between the Lines blogger. I’m enjoying connecting with new people through this project.

  9. Lynne, It’s great meeting another Between The Lines blogger! I know there are so many of us out there and we really do have a lot to offer. I started my blog 5 years ago and discovered how much I enjoy writing. I now write 2-3 posts per week and I don’t stick to any schedule, I just go with what I want to write or share with everyone.

  10. Hi there! So happy to find you (by way of a link on Pam Houghton’s blog) I too am an over 50 blogger. Actually, over 60. My blog on WordPress is called “Sixty Something” and it’s relatively new.

  11. Hello Lynne, nice to meet you! I am finally getting caught up on the Between The Lines series. It’s nice to meet another blogger who understands what it’s like to have a parent go through the nasty disease of Alzheimers. My Mother is in the final stages of the disease and has been reduced to a shell of a human being and the woman who raised seven children no longer exists. It’s heartbreaking, as you well know. Looking forward to following and getting to know you.

    1. Oh Marie, I am so sorry that you and your family are going through this. I always kept in mind that my dad was “in there somewhere” and it brought me a little comfort. Feel free to reach out to me. I will pop over and check out your blog. Hugs!

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